The 9 Best Crystals For Mercury Retrograde

Best crystals for Mercury retrograde

Do you ever feel like nothing can go right during certain times of the year? Chances are, you might be in the midst of Mercury Retrograde. During this strange planetary activity, negative energies seem to accompany everyone. You might feel powerless to protect yourself and your wellbeing. Fortunately, there are natural solutions available to help you. One of the best ways to counteract these effects is to use these nine best crystals for Mercury Retrograde.

In this article, we’re helping you protect yourself and find support with Mercury stones. Life might feel a little out of sorts, but with these crystals in your corner, you can invite the healing you need to survive Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde Explained

There are certain periods in the year when the planet Mercury appears to be moving in reverse. Retrograde motion is technically an optical illusion caused by oppositional orbit between the Earth and Mercury.

The resulting series of events is utter calamity here on earth. You might feel like nothing is going right, and that’s because of the astrological effect of Mercury Retrograde.

See, Mercury is the planet that oversees communication, so much so that the ancient Greeks and Romans called it the “Messenger Diety.” When there’s planetary friction and we view retrograde from the earth, it feels like more goes wrong than right.

During these confounding phases, which typically occur 3-4 times a year for a few weeks at a time, you might notice an accumulation of bad days.

The good news is that healing crystals are a great way to counteract Mercury Retrograde!

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What Crystals Are Good For Mercury Retrograde?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these Mercury stones and how they can help you survive Mercury Retrograde.

1. Quartz Crystal

If there’s one crystal we recommend you start with, it’s the “Master Healer,” clear quartz. It’s one of the most popular healing crystals, and for good reason. Clear quartz has the power to amplify all other crystals, charging them with restorative and protective energy. You can feel the healing properties of the white light vibrating through the energetic frequencies of the stone. Clear quartz helps you heal in all areas of the body, mind, and spirit, which makes it one of the best crystals for Mercury Retrograde.

clear quartz crystals for manifesting dreams clear quartz

2. Fluorite

With so many things going awry during Mercury Retrograde, you may notice yourself feeling more anxious than usual. Remind yourself that this is natural, and part of your body’s response to stress triggers. Fluorite is a calming crystal for anxiety that promotes peace in times of distress. Invite harmony and tranquility by meditating with Fluorite when you feel anxiety creeping in.

Top 6 Calming Crystals For Anxiety, Peace And Total Zen | Zenluma

3. Black Tourmaline

When your life feels out of control, it’s best to release your grip and root yourself in grounding energy. Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful crystals for Mercury Retrograde because it alleviates fear, anxiety, and discontent. With its strong relationship with the Root Chakra, Black Tourmaline is a grounding crystal that connects you to the therapeutic vibrations of the earth. In addition, this stone’s healing properties are protective, shielding you from the toxic ripples of this unsettling phase.

Top 6 Calming Crystals For Anxiety, Peace And Total Zen | Zenluma

4. Aquamarine

One of the best crystals for anxiety is Aquamarine, a stone that aids with communication and synergizes with the Throat Chakra. The translucent aqua blues of this calming crystal instill within you a sense of calm and patience that serves as a sanctuary from the stress of Mercury Retrograde.

aquamarine stones for mercury retrograde

5. Jade

Many of us love jade for its beautiful green shade, but did you know it also has powerful healing properties? Jade is known as the “Stone of Wisdom,” bestowing foresight and intuition to those who wear it. You can place jade crystals around your home to build a grid of openness or wear a piece of jade jewelry to stay sharp-witted throughout your day.

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6. Hematite

Mercury Retrograde strips away your anchor of routine, and as a result, you may feel wayward and lost. Hematite is another grounding crystal that abolishes negative energy and clears up space for restoration. Instead of pulling more energy from your body, it reinvigorates you with holistic healing.


7. Lapis Lazuli

Do you feel like you can’t quite communicate what you truly feel? Feeling disconnected is a common side effect of Mercury Retrograde. Fortunately, Lapis Lazuli is a healing crystal that can provide introspection and forge a line of communication between the outward and inward. With this bridge in place, you can better navigate inward to reveal your true feelings and desires.

What is Lapis Lazuli? | Zenluma

8. Amazonite

In a time of wild emotions and thoughts, you need a gentle dose of self-love to give yourself the care and attention you deserve. Amazonite is filled with soothing energies that stave off anxiety so that you can restore the peace within.


9. Shungite

Do you experience tech anxiety? You’re not alone! The ubiquitous presence of technology has made many of us feel unsettled. Worse, things can get funky during Mercury Retrograde. The power might go out in the midst of a work deadline; the internet might start glitching when you just want to zone out and watch Netflix. It’s a great idea to keep a piece of Shungite near your tech devices to minimize the toxic effects of Electromagnetic Radiation. In addition, you’ll gain purification from the toxic energies swirling during this contentious phase.


Your Mercury Retrograde Survival Kit

During this strange phase, it’s completely natural to feel like everything is out of sorts. If things go haywire, remember that there are natural healing options for you!

Crystals provide rejuvenating energy to help you survive Mercury Retrograde unscathed.

Use these healing crystals for Mercury Retrograde to protect you, restore you, and replenish your energy with the care and healing you deserve!


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